Teeth Cleaning Waterford

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Maintaining Healthy Teeth And Gums

When it comes to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, it’s important to understand that simply brushing your teeth regularly is not enough. To prevent the development of future tooth decay and possible gum disease, we highly recommend that you have your teeth examined, scaled and polished professionally by your dentist every six months.

Professional Scale and Polish Service

Our scale and polish process targets the removal of the following;

Teeth Staining

Coffee, tea, curry, red wine, dark coloured fruit drinks and beetroot are just some of the everyday food and drink items that are responsible for gradual staining of your teeth.


Plaque is a form of bacteria that is continually building up on our teeth. Some of these bacteria lodge around the gums and cause inflammation which begins the process of gum disease.

Tarter Removal

Untreated plaque hardens over time and turns yellow in colour. This substance is called tarter and forms between teeth and gums.

Our Scale & Polish Procedure

The problem is that if plaque remains on teeth for too long, tartar forms. It’s not possible to remove plaque with simple tooth-brushing. The good news is that the scale and polish process gently remove plaque and tartar deposits using an subsonic or ultrasonic scaling process. After scaling is complete, teeth are then polished using a soft rubber cup or brush together with a special texture polishing paste.

During our teeth cleaning process, we also check for any early signs of gum disease (or any other noticeable oral health issues). Should we discover other pre-existing issues that need attention, your dentist will advise you on a separate treatment plan recommendation. The scale and polish procedure is an easy pain free process that cleans and polishes the surfaces your teeth.


***Attention Non-English Speaking Patients***
If you are unable to communicate effectively in the English language, please bring someone with you who can communicate with us on your behalf when attending your dental appointment

 Complete The Form Below To Arrange A Teeth Cleaning Appointment

Alternatively Call Christie Dental Directly on 051 879592.

Teeth Cleaning Waterford - Contact Form

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